Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Born in a peaceful age, with the most unpleasant manner that's "CRYING" . Landed in this beautiful planet in a strange way. TEARS the most essential secretion from our body without any intake from this selfish world. Initially during our birth the first drop of tear enriches our lifeless body with soul, and latter it leaves us alone. With the passage of peaceful age(time), the secretion start collecting ingredients like fear, sorrow, emotions, hardness...... combine to form TEARS. The secretion which comes to this world without any selfish motive became selfish with the passage of time, as it comes directly from our heart and changes its state into liquid and leave us to make ourselves feel better to control our emotions and the tear itself goes out to get evaporated and loose its identity.

So never cry. Its very painful not for the one who is crying, but for the one who see's you crying and who loves you a lot. Blood can't bring any emotion but tears can. Remember if you cry than blood never comes out, but if blood oozes than you cant stop your tears. Its very precious, preserve it. Don't cry, if possible than don't show it to others as i did, posses it after all its all yours.

signing off........... Debu.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Engulfed with pains & sorrows, fear & uncertainty the entire world comes to a halt, as if everything is going on in a slow motion, but if u r passing through happy moments it would pass like sand running out of your hand. ( while we are in a tour, picnic or excursion. during our holidays 2months of summer vaccation is not enough!!!!). But if you are passing through difficult times than second becomes hour. ( during the publication of results. while exam is going on 10days becomes 1month).

Lets consider happiness as a pinch of salt which adds taste to the entire curry, & pains and sorrows to be compared with a well, u can take out as much water from it but it remains in the same level n never dries out. One thing to be mentioned, god has given us everything but we have never thanked for that, but if their is one wish left unfulfilled than we start seeking god. Its better to left some wish unfulfilled. So that we would get a chance to visit our almighty and present our offerings, isnt it???

Winning horse doesn't know why he runs in race, he runs because of beats & pain, so life is a race and god is your rider, so if you are in pain than god definitely wants you to win. So face ur problems and never try to get rid of it. Lets make it an essential part of your life n always prepare for the worst.

Now Question is to be asked that:- 1> are we really unhappy??? or are we desperately not trying to be happy???
2> what is to be choosed happiness that last for seconds??? or sadness, pains & suffering that last for years?????

Now think twice before seeking god that why is this happening to me n what have i done that i am being punished!!!!

SIGNING OFF....... Debu.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Society, The Evil Pond.

Motivation, spirit, dedication, estimation, peace, salvation... everything that is necessary to build our future depends on our society, all is defined by this evil pond. Everything around us is surrounded by it. All are following the same trend. They r doing so n so, they r so successful, earning a lot, settled abroad etc etc, so we also go by it. Our own creativity is destroyed.... that's because i a m still aimless n searching for the purpose i am sent to this world. I am in the center of the core standing still n rest are moving at a fast pace, unable to keep pace with it. Will i be crushed by this erupting crowd??? search is on!!!!